Here's what clients have to say:

I was feeling emotionally and physically sub-par, I needed to make a change. My biggest problem was taking the time and conviction to improve my lifestyle. I needed help so I joined her challenge.
Stacey is very personable and is available and willing to answer any questions. Her program taught me how to use nutrition for balancing my energy levels. Her recipes and education on digestion and liver health made things clearer on why we need to take care of ourselves. She is genuine, fun, and passionate about living a healthy lifestyle.
At the end of the challenge I felt clean on the inside, higher self-esteem and initiative, and able to focus more clearly. I would say to anyone thinking about joining one of Stacey’s programs, It’s not as scary as you think. But you do have to put in some work to get the results.
I am a retired dental hygienist. I decided to sign up for Stacey’s Challenge because I had no energy and my blood work was starting to creep up on the high side.
I recommend you join the Revive Chaotic Hormone Challenge. The support of the private group was very beneficial and Stacey answered all of my questions that I was confused about.
I learned so much about how to eat for balancing my hormones and blood sugar. Stacey’s at home workouts were challenging and less than 30 minutes. If you are afraid, do it anyway! After a few days, it's not so difficult.
I had worked with Stacey in the past with workouts and nutrition support and I always felt my best when following her guidance. Life got busy and I had fallen off the path a bit. I started feeling bloated with fatigue and was also in a bad car accident. I learned about her Revive Chaotic Hormones Challenge and couldn’t wait to sign up.
Stacey challenged us everyday! She taught us about planning and prepping ahead. Her food plan can be easily changed to fit your likes vs dislikes. My skin feels and looks better and I don’t feel full after a few bites. I feel more energy and bonus. I lost 6 lbs.!
I love the workouts that you can do from home. The Castor Oil detox also helped to improve my digestive issues. Stacey truly cares and helps find options if something doesn’t work for you. The private group is also a plus, we were able to help keep each other accountable. I say Go for it! You can do it and will feel better, I promise!
Donna M
My life was full of stressors along with being a caregiver. Weight gain was an issue, not to mention the brain fog. Exhaustion and headaches were common and I had to have a handful of antacids every time I ate.
I started fitness training with Stacey to gain muscle and lose fat (still training with her after 3 years). She provided meal and recipe ideas, along with nutrition suggestions based on my needs. Stacey was concerned about all of my symptoms and suggested the Gut and Hair test, which we did. The Gut test revealed parasites, infections and leaky gut. My hair test revealed that I had a lot of mineral imbalances and copper toxicity. Which we are still working on.
I have eradicated my gut issues, I have lost weight but most of all I feel great and I'm hiking every weekend and loving life. Stacey has taught me how to eat for my body, detox is constant, self-love is a must and that you have to put in the work to get the results. I trust Stacey and you should too!
Kathy S
I was referred to Stacey by a friend. I wanted to lose weight but I also wanted to be healthy and come off my medications.
After working with Stacey on my nutrition for a couple months, I started fitness training with her. I lost weight and felt good but complained about not being able to eat without feeling full and I was getting sinus infections every year. Stacey suggested we run a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test and found that I had high calcium, lots of inflammation, infection, low stomach acid, etc. I was a mess! I also had all the symptoms of leaky gut. We have worked on clearing the muddy waters "as she says" and repairing of my gut.
Balancing my minerals and eating foods that my body can tolerate has been key to my success. I can now eat foods without feeling sick, I lost weight without even trying, NO MORE INFLAMMATION! I don't know what 65 years old is supposed to feel like but I feel amazing! I am off all of my medications and my energy is through the roof.
I am so grateful for what this lady has done for me. We have been working together now for 5 years. I workout with her in a group twice a week and she keeps me inline with my food. I highly recommend Stacey!
Vivian R
My self-confidence was super low. I wanted to not only feel better physically but mentally as well.
My biggest challenge with my health has definitely been my food. I am always busy, on the go, out of town, etc. and it's always been a struggle to eat healthy.
Since starting Stacey's program I have definitely noticed the change in my body and mindset. As I said when I began with Stacey I was in a slump. I would look in the mirror and hate what I saw. I am still not where I want to be, but I can't describe the feeling of how much better I feel about myself. I obviously love that I feel better about myself, but I also enjoy the relationship that I have built with Stacey. She is down to earth and a true friend. She encourages me and keeps me on track with my food and healthy eating. We measure and weigh weekly so that I will be held accountable.
Everyone's body reacts differently and she builds a plan strictly for you!! 100% recommended! I would tell anyone that is afraid to "try again". Don't let the mentality of "I can't" stop you. Stacey truly cares about her clients success, well being and health like no other!
Ashlyn R
I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. At age 13 everything changed. I started gaining a lot of weight. At 16, I went on weight watchers and lost 80 pounds. I kept most of the weight off until I was nineteen and had knee surgery. After that, the weight started coming back on.
Fast forward, I've gotten married and have two children. I got up to 250 pounds with my first child. I worked on losing weight and did so successfully until I was surprised with my second child. The 2nd child added more symptoms along with weight gain, at 7 months pregnant I got eczema very uncomfortable and ugly. When my daughter was three months old, I started having tremors, losing my hair, and was extremely tired. I felt like I was going crazy! It was not the normal tired from having a toddler and a baby at the house.
I have a family history of thyroid disease so I went in for a test, It turned out my thyroid was over functioning by 85%. I had Graves Disease. The doctors did not inform me of my treatment options. They simply told me that I need to take RIA and kill my thyroid. That is what I did. After RIA, I gained back up to 247 lbs.
One day I was at my friend’s store and Stacey came in to order some shirts. That’s when my world changed. She has taught me that the food going in my body can hurt or heal me. After following her advice and doing functional lab testing, I lost 100 pounds. I have no more joint pain. My daughter even made the mention that she noticed I was not in the bed with headaches everyday, AND no more migraines.
I have more energy. I CARE about myself. I HAVE WORTH! I still have some internal issues that Stacey is helping me with. I feel like a completely different person. With her help I realized I can do it and keep it off. It’s been two years now. It took me about a year to lose my weight and I have kept it off for a year. I hope I can inspire many other people to lose their weight and live a healthier lifestyle. I am instilling that in my children now. We eat to live, not live to eat.
Amber C

Get my FREE Healthy Weight Loss and Exercise for Hormone Health Guide!


Group Coaching

Work with me in a group coaching program and enjoy support from women who are sharing your experiences on your journey to health!

Self-Guided Programs

For those who prefer to work at their own pace, get the resources and tools you need to reset your hormone health and begin your journey!

Get on the Path to Health with my 21-Day Hormone Detox Challenge!

Some of the biggest disruptors to our health is in the food we eat. Sugar, preservatives, and chemicals are all harmful to our bodies and often take the place of the nourishing foods we need to fuel our bodies. That’s why I want to offer you my 21-Day Hormone Detox Challenge! It teaches you the basics of clean eating and how nutrition plays a role in hormone health. Best of all, it’s an amazing jump start for getting your hormones back in balance! You’ll get:
  • Delicious, nourishing recipes that even your family will love! (Plus yummy snack suggestions!)

  • Grocery checklist and suggested meals!

  • Daily emails filled with tips and support to keep you going!

  • A journal to write down how you feel physically and emotionally as you break free from sugar

  • Membership to an EXCLUSIVE Facebook group where you’ll get support from peers, get some more great tips, and join in fun conversation!


Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call!

If you’re ready to experience the transformation that comes from balanced hormones, I am here to help. Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call where we can discuss your current obstacles, your health goals, and create a plan that will lead you to a healthy, balanced body

10 Energy 
Boosting Hacks

A woman's cheat sheet to vitality. Easy steps you can take to start looking and feeling better today!

Get my FREE Healthy Weight Loss and Exercise for Hormone Health Guide!


Group Coaching

Work with me in a group coaching program and enjoy support from women who are sharing your experiences on your journey to health!

Self-Guided Programs

For those who prefer to work at their own pace, get the resources and tools you need to reset your hormone health and begin your journey!

Get on the Path to Health with my 21-Day Hormone Detox Challenge!

Some of the biggest disruptors to our health is in the food we eat. Sugar, preservatives, and chemicals are all harmful to our bodies and often take the place of the nourishing foods we need to fuel our bodies. That’s why I want to offer you my 21-Day Hormone Detox Challenge! It teaches you the basics of clean eating and how nutrition plays a role in hormone health. Best of all, it’s an amazing jump start for getting your hormones back in balance! You’ll get:
  • Delicious, nourishing recipes that even your family will love! (Plus yummy snack suggestions!)

  • Grocery checklist and suggested meals!

  • Daily emails filled with tips and support to keep you going!

  • A journal to write down how you feel physically and emotionally as you break free from sugar

  • Membership to an EXCLUSIVE Facebook group where you’ll get support from peers, get some more great tips, and join in fun conversation!


Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call!

If you’re ready to experience the transformation that comes from balanced hormones, I am here to help. Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call where we can discuss your current obstacles, your health goals, and create a plan that will lead you to a healthy, balanced body
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